Genre - Shounen
A Detective Conan spinoff featuring Amuro Tooru, a man of three faces - Bourbon, the Black Organization operative, Amuro Tooru, the private detective and Café Poirot waiter, and Furuya Rei, the NPA officer. Delve into his everyday life that no one's seen before!
Yoshino Takigawa is visiting his friend`s parents and sister`s grave. After he gets there, he is met by Evangeline Yamato, a woman looking for his friend Mahiro Fuwa, who left a month ago to find his family`s killer without any clues to who it might be. Evangeline informs Yoshino that two places where Mahiro has been spotted have been quarantined, due to an epidemic. When Evangeline is questioning Yoshino at gun-point, Mahiro comes out of nowhere and swiftly saves him and can stop bullets in mid-air, claiming to be a sorceress`s assistant; not just any, but the strongest sorceress`s, Hakaze Kusaribe, who promised to help find his family`s killer with her magic so he can kill them himself. After saving him, Mahiro informs Yoshino about the epidemic, a curse that turns living things into metal, claiming sorcerers are causing it and that it is just the beginning.
The male lead has gynophobia (fear of woman) due to a traumatic experience. Under his sister, who is a nun with little brother-complex,'s recommendation, he entered a previously all female-school that now has 9:1 female to male ratio. This is a story of that man with the Queen of the school, who has demanded him to work for her as her secretary.
Later on, as individuals with ESP increment in numbers, so does the conceivable great and shrewdness they can bring about to society. The Japanese government sets up the Base of Backing ESP Laboratory (B.A.B.E.L.) a unique esper association tasked with managing circumstances that can't be determined by common means, incorporating managing espers occupied with criminal movement. Kouichi Minamoto, a 20-year-old wonder is relegated by B.A.B.E.L. to the errand of managing the most capable espers in the nation, a trio of talented however wicked 10-year-old young ladies known as "The Children."
Kyousuke Hyoubu, an ESPer who was sold out numerous years back, is currently a standout amongst the most capable ESPers�furthermore an outlaw. Be that as it may, behind that glare lies a kind heart. His primary mission is to spare ESPers who are abused by people, regardless of the possibility that that be by power. Through his techniques, he has spared numerous ESPer lives and picked up the unwaveringness of those he has spared. The name of his gathering: P.A.N.D.R.A.
Most people would freak out if their new apartment was haunted. But Gotou Seiichi actually welcomes the supernatural, as long as it's a cute ghost like Uehara Hinako. Seiichi comes from a family who has spiritual awareness and willingly chose the apartment after he heard rumors of a female ghost haunting the place. He instantly falls in love with Hinako who tries every trick she knows of scaring him out. But with every attempt, she makes him fall in love with her even more. [vyc]
Li Xao Yao left S.W.A.T to become an ordinary security guard, while working, he happened to enter the VIP room and found Lin Wan Er still in the middle of changing, as revenge, she took him on a ride and kicked him out of the car, after hours of walking, Li Xao Yao finally managed to get back home just to be kicked out of the house. He then got an offer from his previous supervisor to become the bodyguard of the Tian Xi group ceo's daughter both in game and in reality. But unknown to Li Xao Yao the girl was actually...
Hurdle up and get your robot on! Another kind of robot-activity arrangement! World-celebrated attractive mechanical designer Koshiro Tatara and unnerving looking musclehead Kaname, these total inverse twins both experienced passionate feelings for a similar young lady's grin. From that point forward, they contend every day to see which of them can make her grin more. In any case, at some point, catastrophe unexpectedly strikes Koshiro... Another robot fight activity manga with an absolutely improbable team from Yusaku Shibata, maker of Yoakemono!
Reputation is everything in a world of icons and popularity contests. So why not score some points here and there by being the nice guy? This is the way Shinghi Ghang legitimizes the fake personality he has everyone believing. Armed with his above average looks and a (completely false) angel-like personality, he has every girl in school head over heals, and all the guys looking to him for guidance. With the exception of having a screwed up cross-dressing devil for a dad, Shinghis life is absolute perfection (*cough* of lies) until one day, Sung-Hae transfers to his school. While being a complete martial artist freak, she also likes to fib just a little in front of those who know her.... you know, like acting like she is just a scared little girl who d play with kittens rather than break brick walls with her head~! After all, how can anything go wrong when you are as cute as Sung-Hae? Fate has brought these two masters of lies together and the two must battle it out to see who will be crowned the undefeated heavy-weight champion of fakeness!
When a human is marked to die, a faint gray line that is invisible to most appears around their neck. As time passes, that ring becomes darker and darker, until it is eventually black, and that person dies. Kita Michiru has an unusual gift, she posses Shinigami eyes, which allow her to see these rings. When Michiru notices that two of the boys in her Class, Akatsuki Chika and Tachibana Shito not only have rings, but that they are jet black, they reveal to her that they were supposed to die in a tragic accident six months ago. With the help of the Zombie Loan loan office, they were given a second chance at life, should they be able to pay for their debt by doing the work of Shinigami and killing malicious zombies. They petition Michiru to assist them in their efforts, and she finds her everyday life changing dramatically. (Source: Mobots)
In a world of martial arts, a young boy namned Wu was unable to pratice martial arts due to his special body, will he accept his fate and live his life bullied and looked down by others or will he rise and become a master?