Genre - Sci Fi
A spin-off of the various works of Kamachi Kazuma. One day, Kamijou Touma (A Certain Magical Index) faced yet another misfortune. His toilet was broken and spraying water everywhere. As he was lamenting his misfortune, suddenly he appeared in a strange place along with Index and Misaka. Soon enough, more strange people begin appearing...
A 28-year-old female prosecutor Min-seo is just about to go out with Jun-hyun, a good looking prosecutor whom she has had a crush on since high school. With a successful career and her soon-to-be boyfriend, it seems like she is the happiest woman in the world. However, she suddenly time travels to her high school life while she is chasing a male suspect named Sang-woo; he was a senior in her high school. She genuinely does not want to revive her high school life because it was just the stereotype of a nerd. With a strict moral code as a prosecutor, a teenager’s appearance, and two attractive men, namely Jun-hyun and Sang-woo, around her, her second high school life will be nothing like her previous one.
This is a time of developing immortals for all! Everybody is buckling down for the flying of the supreme sword and the development of the godlike! Wang Ling is a counterexample! Pixie? Development? Mixture? He couldn't have cared less, yet the maintenance was raised like a module. A 3-year-old Yu Jian and a 7-year-old divinity, he needed to carry on with a serene Buddhist life yet tumbled to a customary secondary school! It's truly tiring to unintentionally turn into the focal point of consideration ... goodness ... how desolate Invincibility is.
Maki Takano and his three best friends Ryo, Natsume and Mei are students at a private academy for highly gifted children. Like all the other students of this isolated and heavily guarded school, they have never seen the outside world since they were brought to the school at the young age of three. When a new female student named Kiriko Hinatsu arrives, Maki has the strange feeling that he has met her before. However, he seems to be the only person who can remember the girl. When he confronts her with his discovery, Kiriko reveals the unbelievable truth about their existence and the school they\'re attending. Maki now has to decide: will he continue his school life or will he help Kiriko escape even if that means putting himself and his mental health at risk?
Han Xiao, a veteran player of the game "System" passed on startlingly sincerely busy doing an evening out demand. He was sent to the game world ten years sooner and turned into a NPC with a player's board and was reawakened in the foundation of the game's lowlife. To endure, Han Xiao undauntedly picked the "Repairman" occupation and focused on development. Acquainted with the emphasess and rules of various renditions of the game, he promised to lead the multitude of machines, topple the reprobates, and ascend without any preparation to turn into the most grounded.
The man forsaken by the world, the man a slave to money and the man known as the legendary God of War in the highly popular MMORPG Continent of Magic. With the coming of age, he decides to say goodbye, but the feeble attempt to earn a little something for his time and effort ripples into an effect none could ever have imagined. Through a series of coincidences, his legendary avatar is sold for 3.1 billion won ($2.7 million), bringing great joy to him, only to plunge him into despair at losing almost all of it to vicious loan sharks. With revelation of money through gaming, he rises from the abyss with new found resolve and steps forward into the new age of games led by the first ever Virtual Reality MMORPG, Royal Road. This is the legend of Lee Hyun on his path to becoming Emperor with only his family loving heart, his boundless desire for money, his unexpected mind, his diligently forged body and the talent of hard work backing him.
A collection of four short stories. Chapter 1 is the 100 page title story. It's a supernatural shoujo about a man with one chance to escape from death, a mysterious woman he meets, and a tribe seeking to find its way back into Heaven. Chapter 2 deals with the mystery of a man gone missing, and presumed dead. Chapter 3 is a very short story about a couple in the mountains who pick up a strange guest. Chapter 4 is a longer story about the traditions binding a family, those that would break away from them, and the dark secret that holds the family in sway.
It began with first contact. In a dystopian world, a silent "watchman" follows and evaluates a gifted young woman.
The story behind the day of Full Moon three centuries ago and the day of Full Moon present day. The story is revealed around the gods and people involved in the incident! Original Webtoon is a Naver Best Challenger.
The espers of Academy City are ordered into six levels, where "Level 0" needs control while "Level 5" has a staggering sum. Of the few million espers dwelling in Academy City, just seven of them have accomplished Level 5, and positioned most elevated among them is the one known as Accelerator. Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator concentrates on the most grounded Level 5 after he secures the sprightly Last Order at the cost of a lot of his energy. Recuperating at the doctor's facility, Accelerator has driven a moderately calm life until he winds up sparing the life of Estelle Rosenthal, a secretive young lady conveying a photograph of Last Order. Tragically, Accelerator now gets himself dragged into another contention as a vile association called Disciplinary Action which plots to utilize Last Order for a hazardous mission. Since they have set their arrangement into movement and are in quest for the young lady, it's up to the world's most intense esper and his newly discovered partner to secure Last Order and shield Academy City simultaneously.
The Tokiwadai understudy committee political decision is drawing closer. One of the leading candidates, Shokuhou Misaki, is currently running for office despite her own expectations because of the people around her and the fate of leading the largest clique.
The story is set in a world where supernatural powers exist through science, and magic exists through religion. In the story, Touma Kamijou is an ordinary high school boy with terrible academic scores and a power called Imagine Breaker. Imagine Breaker can defeat any other power, but it also undermines Kamijou's own good luck. His Imagine Breaker's immense strength is literally immeasurable, so hapless Kamijou is listed at the supernatural level of 0. He happens to meet a girl in white hanging off his window balcony. The girl says she is being chased by sorcerers, and Kamijou learns that the girl is a Church of England nun whose memories have been forcibly replaced by Index-Librorum-Prohibitorum — the 103,000 forbidden texts of the Church.
From MAL: Just before the completion of the Academy City space elevator "Endymion", the main characters Kamijou Touma and Index encounter a level 0 girl named Arisa. The Magicians are after Arisa, and they attack Academy City. A female leader named Shattoaura leads a unit from Academy City against the attack. Kamijou and Index learn from Stiyl that Arisa is key to a brewing war between the sides of Magic and Science. When science and magic cross paths, the story begins with Endymion as its stage!
Nanxing xuan, upon reaching adulthood, is tasked by his father, the king of Neptune to bring back a treasured spar that has been lost for 100 years. He now has to retrieve it from college student Nan Kaifeng,but first, he has to gain his trust.The problem is, that the only things he know about human interaction is from a book borrowed from his sister called "Indulgence,Beauty and Seduction"
Rito is a high-school boy who just can't confess to the girl of his dreams, Haruna-chan. One day when coming home and sulking in the bath-tub a mysterious, and barely clothed girl, appears out of nowhere. Her name is Lala and she comes from another planet...