Genre - Supernatural
Kindaichi Hajime returns from his biking trip around Japan to meet Inspector Kenmochi and childhood friend Nanase Miyuki at the themed inn "Ruins." What awaits them is a vampire legend that comes to life in the form of a brutal serial murder...
There's a rift between Hell and the mortal world, and lost souls have been escaping to torment the living. To deal with the problem, the King of Hell released Majeh, the greatest swordsman of the underworld, to stop the wayward souls.
At the end of Meiji Restoration, a girl saint was crucified and burnt alive under persecution. A century later, Katori and six childhood friends are summoned to her world beyond the nirvana, where they receive the Great Commission: Build a kingdom, and make disciples of all nations. At every midnight, each of them are randomly given a role out of King/Queen, Noble, and Peasants. As the lowly must obey a higher-up in the hierarchy, can they fight and defeat other nations to conquer the world--before infighting brought up by their own hidden desires breaks them apart?
Touched by the Black Death, a little girl becomes a zombie. Twenty years later... Leaving the boring, repetitive work at the smithy behind, Van manages to escape the premises, only to be caught by George, standing guard at the gates. Though he receives an earful and a chase, Van still manages to escape. George had been fearing Van growing up for a while and can't help but get a bad feeling as he sees him disappear. He yells at Van to not go near the Restricted area. Though he replied "alright," Van headed towards the North Gates, a request of Edmond's. Feeling the adrenaline, as he watches the two lookouts, a man suddenly appears and kills the two, leaving the Gate open. Soon, smelling the blood, four zombies hobble in and start attacking the injured guards. Van decides that he needs to let somebody know, but was exposed to the zombies in the process. As his strength leaves his legs, the zombies catch up to him. Just when the zombies are near and Van is sure he's dying, a sudden surge of strength emerges from his body and Van starts to overpower the zombies...
In a world, there exists a tribe of people known as 'Aurumoculi' who possess special physical abilities and golden eyes, but because of their short lifespan very few remain...
There are huge monsters wreaking havoc in Mikagura Kiriwo's city. Building on his father's work, Kiriwo has created a serum that turns him into a giant monster for a short time. He uses this serum to help protect the town from a monster one day--only to find that everyone thinks he's an enemy, too! Everyone at school and in the media hates the "black monster" that he became, due to the massive destruction he did to the town around him. A girl from his class even has to quit school, due to problems caused by the "black monster." Will Kiriwo be able to show that his monster form is really intended to be a savior? [tethysdust]
Oda Yuuma is an odd young man. He can float off the ground. He can see into the future. He scares the crap out of some of his classmates and teachers. There is a physicist trying to understand how he does what he does, but Oda-kun has his own agenda, and it involves a possible future he has seen of a girl from his school…
Maho-chan has been able to bend spoons ever since childhood and her friend, Keisuke-kun has always been fascinated by her supernatural powers.
A moderately aged man goes to the mountain to end it all. In transit he finds a fixed youkai dark fox young lady in a little cavern and she request that he free her, and he does it without even batting an eye and proceeds to kick the bucket yet the fox young lady, notwithstanding her unique aims powers the man to surrender and they in the end wed. This is the marriage life of the two
In ancient times, at a lake somewhere in the middle of Eurasia, lived people (??????) with the ability to transform into animals. But soon internal quarrels forced the population apart into four tribes, which then scattered all over the world. Their descendants prospered, including a certain Hidaka, a high school student who would be completely unremarkable if not for his unnatural appetite. However, a British aristocrat, Earl Linford, wishes to subjugate all clans by establishing the supremacy of his own blood. For he can, after all, transform into a lion, the king of the animal reign. That is when Renée, a young woman who can turn into a beautiful wolf, enters the picture and endeavors to return Hidaka to his roots.
A continuation of Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon that centers on Shouta living with Lucoa as his familiar.
She wakes up finding herself in a town of yokai... a Japanese style fantasy interwoven with yokai.
From RebelliousArt: Asahi, desperate after the loss of her best friend and boyfriend, came to the abandoned elementary school above the hill. It has been said that it's a cursed place that it will be the last place you will tread in. Those who live will not be able to return. And there, Asahi meets...!?
In the eyes of the public, Fudou Aikawa and Desumi Magahara are sworn enemies who have nothing in common. Fudou, also known as “Red Gelato,” is the leader of the hero squadron “Gelato 5,” whose mission is to bring about world peace. On the other hand, Desumi is the minion leader of “Gecko,” a villainous organization seeking world domination. However, despite these differences, their relationship is not quite what it seems. When they are not making a show of being at each other’s throats, Desumi and Fudou continue to pursue a forbidden love.Going on dates, baking sweets for one another, and meeting up as often as they can despite their hectic schedules, the two inexperienced lovebirds pave the way for their own unique relationship. Though their public lives are worlds apart, Fudou and Desumi will stop at nothing to make their seemingly impossible romance work.
Only in autumn when the dead leaves flutter about can Akino meet the mysterious boy who lives inside the deep blue tree.