Kimetsu no Yaiba Gaiden

GOTOUGE Koyoharu, HIRANO RyoujiArtist
HIRANO RyoujiReading Direction:
Right to LeftSynopsis:
- Kimetsu no Aima! (26 sections): A four-board gag manga spin-off of Kimetsu no Yaiba manga. The manga will include SD variants of the characters from the fundamental manga. It'll deliver in Jump + site later every anime episode debut, including stories covered by the anime. - Kimetsu no Yaiba: Tomioka Giyuu Gaiden (2 sections): Side-story following Tomioka Giyuu presently prior to meeting Tanjirou. - Kimetsu no Yaiba: Rengoku Kyoujurou Gaiden (2 sections): Since old occasions, bits of gossip have flourished of man-eating evil presences hiding in the forest. Along these lines, the neighborhood townsfolk never adventure outside around evening time. Rumors from far and wide suggest that an evil spirit slayer likewise wanders the evening, chasing down these murderous devils. Set before the occasions of the principle series, this side project recounts the narrative of Rengoku Kyoujurou, a vivacious youthful evil spirit tracker, as he assumes control over his family's job as the Flame Pillar.