Genre - Supernatural

  • Long back, there was an extraordinary war between the domains of holy messengers and evil spirits over humanity. The evil presences were an underhanded parcel and regarded people as their toys, while the heavenly attendants battled to shield people from the devils. At the point when the war was over the blessed messengers fabricated a town called Ilvia to keep humankind safe against the evil spirits. Amidst Ilvia is a spot called asylum where youngsters live under the direction of the blessed messengers. The blessed messengers instruct the youngsters they should not leave the haven in light of the fact that the evil presences will get them because of being pulled in to their unadulterated souls. At the point when the kids reach there fourteenth birthday they move on from the haven and are seen off by the other youngsters to heaven. What is heaven? All is well or is there something more evil going ahead off camera...

  • On the night of her grandfather´s funeral, Hwang Keum Lin saw a thief trying to steal something from her grandfather´s house. She chased after him, trying to catch him before he could take away anything valuable but he disappeared like magic. Her cousin did not believe her that there was a thief no matter how hard she tried to explain. Luckily nothing was missing...however, what could the thief be looking for and how did he break into the strongest security system that money can buy? Little did Hwang Keum Lin know, this is just the beginning and her life will be turned upside down, starting from that moment…and everything she thought she knew might not be so...

    Going to the Troll
  • Gokurakugai, a brilliant and clamoring common locale with a secret clouded side. Around here without request, Tao and Alma fill in as investigators for employ. Their missions include assisting a young man with finding his lost companion, an individual who dissapears suddenly, and deformed creature carcasses. These troubleshooters are constantly exposed to a different side by the evil spirits who lurk in the shadows!

  • Golem are tools for humans but a Lamech created a golem boy with a mind of its own. It or he seeks approval so that his master will be acknowledge by other people. With a rare golem running lose, the military has taken interest of the boy golem name Noah. He must now survive away from this master to be a scholar of sorcery and use golem arts on his own to survive.

    Golem Hearts
  • Goraihou Academy — A world leading bourgeois school where mysterious creatures gather. In order to protect the academy, the members of the student council with attractive appearances and fickle personalities stand up to…?! We meet Sakuragawa Shinya, Goraihouji Tadato, and Mashiba Naoki. Handsome and talented Shinya is more or less the main character. Together with Tadato, the president of the student council whose father also happens to be chairman of the board of directors for the school, and Naoki, who is always hitting on an uninterested Shinya, Shinya discovers the haunted secrets of Goraihou Gakuen. Things begin to change when a dark creature is discovered hiding within the school. The trio go to investigate and find Gen-san. And from there on they solve mysteries and hauntings and other paranormal events within the school. (Source: Aerandria)

    Goraihou Gakuen e Youkoso!
  • From Lezhin: Most outcasts are ostracized because they look different, talk different, or live different. But not everyone. And not every previous outcast turns into a revenge machine. After seeing his friend suffer a horrific incident, the once outcast, Kang Haneul, decides to exact revenge with the help of an ability he never knew existed.

    Greatest Outcast
  • Yuuka Shinchiro is a 2nd year high school student who's parents passed away several years in an accident. When he's walking through a park at night, a child's head jumps into his hands and he's bitten by an alien. Soon after, he wakes up and dismisses what happened as just part of his dream, until he notices the bite mark that appears just where it was in his "dream"! The next morning, the news reports that a child's head was found in a park along with lots of blood. As he goes to check out the scene, he finds a violent man asking him about the "abyss". The violent man later visits his house and calls him the Grim Reaper.

    Grim Reaper
  • From MangaHelpers: 28 July 2061 was an unlucky day for Raiji, in which he was falsely accused of being a groper on public transport. That evening, he joined his friends, Yuma and Osamu, to watch Halley's Comet. The comet appeared to arrive a few hours ahead of schedule, but it didn't just pass by in the night sky. Instead, there was a blinding flash, and all the people Raiji and his friends had been watching with vanished. Not only that, but the area around them was suddenly filled with nightmarish giant mushrooms and twisted human faces. In this new, violent world, the three of them will encounter dangers human and inhuman! [tethysdust]

    Gringo 2061
  • It is about earth being invaded by aliens...the guy on the front cover..(i do not know his name) was merged with a particular alien called the six eyes. Some time later...he was attacked by a girl..which name i also do not know...

    Guardian Dog
  • Lin Xiaoyou, childhood friend of Xi Yu, died at the age of 14, but her spirit refused to pass onto the afterlife. Instead, she stuck around and became Yu's "guardian angel" due to a promise she made to him. Under Xiaoyou's constant guarding, Yu hasn't had a single girlfriend even though he's already 24. Being in a proper relationship has become his goal in life, but such a simple wish brings about a series of terrifying incidents. Is Xiaoyou really a "guardian angel", or is she actually an "evil spirit"?!
