Genre - Drama
Follows the tale of "Edo's Sanni-en (Sajin no)" Takasaka Jinouchi, Jozawa Junai, Shoji Jinouchi. Three years after the clash of Sekigahara (1603 Promotion), Okubo Changan welcomed Takasaka Junouchi, who is known as a previous hoodlum, to obliterate Kotaro Fuuma and his group of crooks in Edo, yet what will he receive consequently?
In the year 200X, a Japanese fleet consisting of 3 vessels leave on a mission to South America. After encountering a storm, the ship JDS Mirai find itselvf without its escorts and in the year 1942, traveling towards the island of Midway to face the American fleet in one of largest battles in naval history. The crew of the Mirai must decide whether or not to change the course of history by involving itself in WWII.
Akira had been working for a black business for three years, and she was mentally and physically worn out. But one morning, on his usual route to work, he saw nothing but a zombie-infested town. In a world that has completely changed overnight, how will the former company slave Akira lead his life?
When a human is marked to die, a faint gray line that is invisible to most appears around their neck. As time passes, that ring becomes darker and darker, until it is eventually black, and that person dies. Kita Michiru has an unusual gift, she posses Shinigami eyes, which allow her to see these rings. When Michiru notices that two of the boys in her Class, Akatsuki Chika and Tachibana Shito not only have rings, but that they are jet black, they reveal to her that they were supposed to die in a tragic accident six months ago. With the help of the Zombie Loan loan office, they were given a second chance at life, should they be able to pay for their debt by doing the work of Shinigami and killing malicious zombies. They petition Michiru to assist them in their efforts, and she finds her everyday life changing dramatically. (Source: Mobots)
Akira Tendo, 24, sits in a trash-filled apartment and watches a zombie movie with lifeless, envious eyes. Subsequent to burning through three hard years at a shifty enterprise in Japan, his soul is broken. He couldn't marshal the mental fortitude to admit his sentiments to his lovely collaborator Ohtori. Then, one morning, he comes across his landlord, who is also a tenant, eating lunch. Akira has never felt more alive, despite the fact that he is running for his life and the entire city is infested with zombies.
Without notice, when Sakura was In elementary school she was dumped by Kazukage who was eight years her senior. She was extremely shocked because she believed that he would be her future husband! With a change of attitude, while at the high school entrance ceremony she decided that she dreamed of finding a new love, but at that time she met Kazukage again, who has now become a teacher. As usual, she is shocked to realize that she still has feelings for Kazukage. How does Kazukage feel about Sakura…?!
The processes of [Analysis], [Disassembly], and [Synthesis] process the strongest material. In the darkest section of a challenging dungeon, a courageous man left third-class adventurer Luke. He transforms the [Repair] talent into a flexible one with [Disassembly] and [Synthesis] functions out of desperation and manages to live. In addition, the adventuring industry is already overburdened. Using my adventurer experience and the awakening talent of any material, I attempted to start a weapon business, which quickly gained a lot of popularity.