Genre - Shoujo Ai
Influenced by two of their friends, a pair of female high school students, Natsu and Kumiko, begin playing the popular MMORPG Apocalypse Online. When they log in for the first time, they find they have been given a rare item, a pair of marriage rings, which gives the two of them special bonuses when they are near each other. But while their relationship is a funny quirk of the game to Natsu, Kumiko secretly longs for it to become a reality...
As per the god's prescience, the young lady Flamm was decided to be one of the individuals from the devil lord's enslavement process. Everybody was a legend and had a top class power. In any case, for reasons unknown just Flamm didn't have the ability to battle, and every last bit of her status values were 0. While being embarrassed, she kept on investing extraordinary amounts of energy to be valuable to the legends. In any case, at some point, she was deceived by one of the party individuals, said that she "was excessive any longer," and auctions off to a slave merchant. Flamm had to live inside a coarse climate as a slave. Notwithstanding, there she experienced a "reviled blade," and understood the genuine worth of the most vulnerable power "Opposite." The young lady, who gained the ability to battle, was really not interested in the devil lord as of now and chosen to live calmly as a traveler close by a young lady slave she met. ——This is an account of one young lady who kept on slithering up from the exceptionally base to recapture her tranquil day to day existence.
During a drawing session, Zhong Shenxiu, an art student, ran into a bottleneck. Xu Ke, the good student she drew, was impossible for her to "see clearly" no matter how hard she tried. She could not draw him since she could not see well. She put down her paintbrush, Zhong Shenxiu. Maybe if he did well in school, he would get a little closer to her, and she would be able to see a little more clearly. Until their face-to-face distance turned into a negative one. Phew! She could finally see it clearly now! But! Is not this a little bit too?
In the nurse's office, a series of related yuri stories.
On the day of her first ball, Ayano, a schoolgirl who aspires to work in fashion, meets a stunning girl. That foreign-looking girl, Tsubakihime, captivates Ayano and makes her dreams come true. But Ayano's mother tries to stop her because she does not like her daughter's hobbies. Tsubakihime, meantime, seemed to be concealing something as well. This romantic tale from the Taisho era centers on girls who have their own aspirations.
Kobayashi lives alone in a condo, until one day, Tooru showed up and they wound up living respectively. Tooru peers down on people as substandard and absurd. Yet, having been saved by Kobayashi-san, she does all that she can to reimburse the obligation and help her with different things, albeit not all things go as indicated by plan. A legendary regular daily existence satire about a persevering office woman living with a winged serpent young lady.
Yuzu is a huge admirer of Hayami Madoka. Madoka is her only source of comfort because she has no family or friends who are concerned about her. Since Sachiko is Madoka's closest friend, Yuzu despises her the most. She creates a hidden account and publishes hateful remarks about Sachiko in order to vent. After learning this, she makes an effort to become friends with Yuzu and gives her an opportunity to speak with Madoka. Sachiko is left in a coma after an accident that results in them switching bodies.
Asako Suga, who is devastated subsequent to saying a final farewell to her accomplice, chooses to move to alter her perspective. The property she is keen on is a one-story house somewhat distant from the downtown area. Asako became hopelessly enamored with the house, which was as of late constructed and has a nursery, yet what is troubling is the property manager there. She's young and charming, and has a specific mystery!
Anne-Sophia, the Princess who recalled her past life quite early on, as well as her old self's extreme love of sorcery, set out to experience her dreams in this dreamland. At some point, during an otherworldly incident, she coincidentally found a scene where her sibling Algard was severing his commitment to his fiancee, Euphilia. What no one might have anticipated is that this odd gathering would wind up redirecting history.
A well known Twitter shorts series portraying the romantic tale between a gyaru and her colleague who she botches as a person beyond school, holding over their shared love for exciting music.
Misha Takanashi had virtually cut herself off from the outside world following the terrible death of her mother. Her father frantically attempted to employ new maids to help with her and the chores while he was preoccupied with his own work, but it was in vain since she was able to fire all of them save one. Before she realizes it, Misha is the focus of attention for one Kamoi Tsubame, a peculiar master sergeant from the former JSDF who is not even somewhat phased by Misha's attempts to push her away. Captured by the sweet little girl, Tsubame decides it is her mission to get Misha to let her into her heart (and maybe even convince her to wear the gorgeous garments she makes too). Even though Tsubame has (usually) good intentions, she has a tendency to go overboard when it comes to getting closer to Misha, which gets her into all kinds of weird situations that irritate her beyond belief. The pressure is on now as Misha tries to figure out how to handle an overly obnoxious maid!
At the point when corporate laborer Rei Ohashi finds herself reawakened as the hero of her #1 dating sim, it's the ideal chance to do what she's constantly cared about. Lure the villainess! Rei had never been interested in the game's princes in her previous life. She had an exclusive, keen interest in eyes for Claire François, her enemy. Presently, furnished with her broad information on the game, and her undying affection for Claire, can Rei at last prevail upon the lady of her fantasies?