Genre - Seinen
A floating ring has been passed down through Mikko's family for generations. Her grampa told her that the ring bears a promise of reuniting with lost ones who departed to the "other world." Mikko explores her world -- an endless network of tunnels -- in hopes of finding the "other world" one day...
"Progressive Rejuvenation Syndrome." This is an extremely rare disease causing the inflicted person to gradually become younger. The main character of this story, Munenori Agawa, is the only person that could save Rena Amami from this odd disease. Agawa's saliva is the only thing that can halt the disease from making Rena younger, so they must kiss everyday in order for her to survive. This causes an immense amount of conflict and drama between Agawa and his new girlfriend, Sayako Asou. This triangle relationship story tests the capabilities and limitations of human love.
Two young men vow to transform the destiny of Japan, by any means. As children, they survived the horrors of the Cambodian killing fields together. Now, can they topple the leaders of both the Japanese Parliament and the yakuza crime syndicate? Although cold and calculating when need be, Hojo and Asami exemplify the traits their colleagues lack: loyalty to friends, compassion for the downtroden...and an irresistible way with women. Deputy Police Chief Ishihara sets out to expose their ingenious machinations, but instead falls helplessly in love with Hojo... Note: While this was originally 12 volumes in Japanese, when translated into English by Viz it was printed three ways: first in comic book form (each issue had 2 chapters), second in a 5-part 14-vol compilation of the comic books, and finally in a 9 volume manga series. Because the translation is so early, the books were flipped to English left-to-right orientation. The nine English volumes correspond to these compilation parts, floppy issues, and original chapters: V1: Part 1, Issues 1-4, Chapters 01-12 V2: Part 1, Issues 5-9, Chapters 13-27 V3: Part 2, Issues 1-5, Chapters 01-13 V4: Part 2, Issues 5-9, Chapters 14-26 V5: Part 3, Issues 1-7, Chapters 01-13 V6: Part 3, Issues 7-8, Chapters 14-16; Part 4, Issues 1-5, Chapters 01-09 V7: Part 4, Issues 5-7, Chapters 10-14; Part 5, Issues 1-3, Chapters 01-05 V8: Part 5, Issues 3-8, Chapters 06-15 V9: Part 5, Issues 8-13, Chapters 16-22
Fubuki, a man with silver hair and black eyebrows, is somewhat of an expert at taking care of people's monster problems, for a price of course. Yoru is a strange orphan girl who runs across one of his fights with a demon cat and insists on becoming his student. The two of them make an amazing team, whether they're fighting monsters or (as happens more often than Yoru would like) running from them!
Sarumaru Yatarou is a single child of a Lock store, that has declined in business. His nick name is -Saru- (as is)!! Skills with locks are professional, head filled with imaginative girls, to a normal (?) him was a job request... And that was the start of a -incident-!!
A mysterious syndrome turns schoolgirls into homicidal monsters behind numerous atrocities in Japan. However, nothing is what it seems and when Chika Amagi is arrested for the brutal murder of five people, which starts a journey into uncharted and troubled waters!
Akamori Mitsuo aspires to be a typical salaryman, but he is actually a brilliant killer who comes from a family that has been killing for decades. Along the way to his goals, Akamori encounters gangs, fighters, and Yakuza.
Far in the future, humankind has evacuated the Earth in order to preserve it. Humans now reside in a gigantic structure that forms a ring around the Earth, thirty-five kilometers up in the sky. The society of the ring is highly stratified: the higher the floor, the greater the status. Mitsu, the lowly son of a window washer, has just graduated junior high. When his father disappears and is assumed dead, Mitsu must take on his father's occupation. As he struggles with the transition to working life, Mitsu's job treats him to an outsider's view into the various living-room dioramas of the Saturn Apartments.
The story follows a young man named Kazuya Shibuya who receives an anonymous email message out of the blue one day: "Won't you join the Savanna Game?" The message is an invitation to a state-sanctioned killing game — a deadly role-playing game designed to motivate the inhibited youth of modern Japan. Shibuya and his two friends Kotegawa and Kudou find themselves in bizarre battles that span the space-time continuum, with everything from dragons to the Shinsengumi force of the shogunate era.
This is a post-war world where human-formed weapons called casings exist. Cuifa and Livia are voyaging government specialists taking care of the declining casing populace, keeping an eye on their living condition, potential misuse, and the value of their lords.
The experiences of two Japanese people who move to the US; one a judo teacher, the other a guitarist.
Enter Hikawa Naomi, son of a music critic and Ebisawa Mafuyu, a young prodigy pianist who suddenly dissapeared from the music world. Together they formed a rockband with members involved in classical and rock music.
A very tragic comedy about a deeply depressed teacher, whose attempts to commit suicide are constantly foiled, try to console his 32 students with their own weird problems ('What's with the students in my class? It's enough if I'm the one who's having troubles.' - Itoshiki Nozomu). (source:Baka-Updates)