Genre - Shoujo
Sakura is a cleaning enthusiast and a high school student. She unexpectedly runs upon a Demon King from another world one day. It seems that a curse has been placed on this globe prohibiting the use of cleansing magic. Can a high school student in the present day, in a foreign land, be useful by "cleaning"? An incredible fresh and thrilling fantasy from another world...
In the year 2999, only eleven cities still survive on Earth. The climate has changed drastically, and a biochemical apocalypse has made women extinct. For centuries, the male population of Earth has survived by depending on only one woman, called the Holy Mother, whose ova are harvested to create genetically engineered children. By now, any concept of a world in which women exist as ordinary people is long gone. Society has re-structured itself around all-male families, and gay relationships have become the norm. At the beginning of Marginal, the Holy Mother is assassinated by a terrorist known as Grinja. The government in power doesn't want to start a mass panic, so it pretends that the Holy Mother has only shed her vessel, and that she will be miraculously "reborn" in the near future. The public, which is superstitious and devout, believes this easily. Only government officials know that behind the scenes, there is a frantic effort to create a new being with an XXY chromosome -- a male capable of giving birth. (This is a BL misrepresentation of an actual phenomenon known as Klinefelter's Syndrome.) The manga's story revolves around one such boy -- Kira, the product of a genetic experiment, who becomes involved in a three-way relationship with Grinja, the aforementioned terrorist, and Ashijin, a young man who calls himself Kira's owner. A complex plot and flawless world-building make the story irresistible, and Kira's search for freedom is as symbolic as it is gripping. (Source: The Pink Panzer)
A tale around a young lady from Paris who went to Basel, Switzerland to rejoin with her dad, sibling, and the person she cherishes, Zerman. Sitting tight for Zerman to lift her up from the train station, she accidently embraces San, a good looking, well off, and associate to a portion of the couple of capable men.
Kira believes that Rei and all other men in the world are dirty. She stays away from her classmates, hiding in her art. What happens when the delinquent motorcyclist and playboy, Rei, gets ahold of one of her drawings, and actually wants to keep it? Note: Was adapted into a 20 episode Taiwanese Drama, MARS
Ui Mae-Ri, who has not dated for a long time, meets a death metal group's vocalist and begins a relationship with him. However, a perfect man interferes in their relationship...
The Devil s Castle is a dark and somber place, until the good-hearted apprentice ASARELLA stumbles into this abode on a goodwill mission, against the wishes of her master, the Arch-Mage, ELIWHO. Things sour quickly, and soon Asarella is bound in a blood pact with The Devil. Little does she know that the mage harbors a secret love for her, which will only complicate her training to prepare her for the apocalyptic battle to come, and which sets up the most unusual love triangle of any place or time.
Contains 3 oneshots: 1) Mascara Blues Mugino falls in love with any boy who "sparkles" in front of her eyes! But after they start dating, the "sparkle" slowly dies. She talks about her problems to her friend, Shuuya. After seeing another guy lose his "sparkle", Mugino goes to talk to Shuuya but finds that he has a "sparkle" too! She doesn't want to date him because she has a feeling that if his sparkle dies, then she'll have to dump him and they're friendship may never be the same again. 2) Draft of Romance Tsuda always stares at Takasuga. But when their eyes meet, Takasuga glares at her with scary eyes. She only stares at him because she remembers a day when she was going on the bus and dropped her bag. She quickly tried to pick it up and found a guy who helped her. When she got on the bus she said "Thank You" but the doors were already close. She was determined that Takasuga was the guy, but if he isn't... 3) So I Can Be Myself -A Long Dream- Hikaru wakes up every morning and feels that today's going to be a long dream. Then she meets a hairstylist, Mashima Eiji, who asks her to be his hair model. When she tells her friends this, they warn her not to fall in love with him because hairstylist are know to "play" with you. But she can't stop thinking about him! Is he just going to play around with her, or will he take her seriously if she confesses?
From In.Difference: A sweet analogy of the Russian doll: Matryoshka. As each doll is opened up to give another one, so do each memory containing his feelings towards her…
A school where the students make their own riches. From Models to Computer Geniuses, These students get rich on their own. Namu goes to a school where all the elite get idolized by the non-elite. Never making it easy to get to school on time, Namu is soon helped by a new transfer student. Who gets categorized as an elite almost immediately?
Best friends Tokieda Airi and Sahara Taki have had a happy junior high school life, but the mysterious group F begins to target them because they attract too much attention! F has already hurt many attention-grabbing students, and they begin their attacks on Airi and Taki by trying to split the best friends apart. When this method doesn\'t work, they sink even lower: they target Airi\'s sister Nako! Airi and Taki\'s beautiful school life has been ruined, and now they must race to reveal the culprits of F...
Mashiro and Natsume are childhood friends but Mashiro is three years older than Natsume and she is even taller than he is. Mashiro is in love with Natsume but she is afraid of opening her heart to him. One night she meets a grown-up Natsume who confesses his love to her. Who is he and what about her feelings for Natsume? 4. Atashi no Okiniiri (My Love) After dating a player who had another girlfriend, Rina decides to become a player also and immediately finds someone willing to be her lifelong toy.
Yuuki Tsumire was raised by her single mother, who always told her to keep smiling, no matter what hardships she endured. The two of them were a family, until Tsumire's mother died from illness. Tsumire soon learned that she had a family she knew nothing about: a cold, rich family that disowned her kindhearted mother when she became pregnant. Tsumire now must go live with this family, even though none of them seem to want her there. She doesn't have to switch schools, so she at least has her friends to help her through this difficult time. However, she doesn't have the heart to confide in her friends with even more problems, so she tries to keep it bottled up inside. To her surprise, the Yuuki family lawyer, a young man named Hino, soon becomes her emotional support in this difficult situation. However, Tsumire's reactions to him might mean that she wishes he were something more...
Note: Initially ended in 2 volumes. However, due to its high popularity, the serialization was continued starting from Betsufure 7/2022 issue on June 13, 2022.Momose, a clumsy girl who has always been slaved around to run errands by delinquents in her middle school, will now be attending a non-yankee high school. At her new school, she thinks of joining a club so as to not bother anyone and one day meets a classmate, a serious boy with glasses, Ichikura-kun. In reality though, that Ichikura has been an undefeated yankee in his middle school which he hid from everyone when he enrolled into this high school!Momose is the only one who knows Ichikura-kun's secret yankee past?!The youthful former yankee X a girl who was bullied by yankees are now having a LOVE SURVIVAL ♡
Mei Shinonome always has this dream. When she was younger and lost her way in a dark forest, she sang her favourite song, -Mei-chan s Butler-, to build up her courage. Suddenly she was lifted up by a man who said he was her butler. Now she cant remember what he looks like, but remembers his shimmering brooch and long slender fingers. Kento Shibata is a pretty boy who, along with everyone else in the class, doesnt believe Mei s dream was once real. Emiri Enari has a crush on Kento and looks down on Mei as her father is a noodle chef. How will Mei find the butler from her dreams and will she get everyone to believe her?
Andrea Marcos is a young man looking for someone to translate a mysterious letter left to him by his late mother. His search leads him to viscount Theodore, a young, prodigious but hot-tempered and grouchy young man, fluent in 8 languages and a popular author of illusionary stories. To make things more interesting, not only does the viscount not believe in anything paranormal but the letter was apparently delivered to Andrea by fairies...?!