Genre - Shoujo
Tagami Yusuke, led by a mysterious voice, is summoned to another world, "Caltsio". He was just a young video-game lover, but Fate decided to make him become the "Evil God of Calamity" of this world, obtaining the ability to create and customize everything,
A scholar with absolutely no desire to study met a mysterious girl called 'Miss Ugly' who had no memories of her past. She resigned to fate that she was destined to be sacrificed to the Huang Deity, but the scholar was determined to save her.
Kuraki Fuzuchi is a quiet young man who has immense psychic powers and sword skills. He later meets Takeo Nanachi, a college student with similar latent powers. The story opens with Nanachi traveling to a small shrine in the mountains for a festival that only occurs every 49 years in order to purify his (now deceased) grandfather’s sword. There he meets Kuraki and later accidentally stumbles upon Kuraki’s initiation ritual as a Shaman. From there on, their lives are inexplicitly intertwined as they encounter various ghosts, spirits, demons, and other characters with supernatural powers while the author also provides a parallel running story depicting their previous life.
Atop the mountain, there lived a deity with a tiger in his household. A fair maiden ventured alone... to see the deity of the mountain. The head of a village plagued by a man-eating tiger offers his daughter Hyeon-na to any man who successfully disposes of the tiger. Dismayed at being treated as a trophy, Hyeon-na sets out alone to the mountain where the tiger lives... Collection of short stories: 1. Etsujinka (Song of the Yue Maiden) 2. Yama ni Sumu Kami (The Deity Atop a Mountain) 3. Ryakudatsu Sareta Musume (The Abducted Maiden) 4. Toukasen (The Folding Fan with Peach Blossoms Motif) 5. Seirou Nyonin-koku (Brothel: Women’s Territory)
After the occasions of the initial five volumes of the Kase-san to... series, Kase-san and Yamada are presently college understudies. Kase-san is putting in a lot of effort at her university while Yamada is putting in a lot of effort in her horticulture program. They will always make time for one another, despite the long train ride between their schools and the frantic new schedules to plan around.
Hotate is a 10 year old girl who was living at her grandmother's house since her mother died. One day her grandmother tells Hotate that she can't care for her anymore because of her age and that she's going to have to live at her uncle's house. After moving to her uncle's house, she attends a new school, but things aren't easy because of her special ability to see the dead. Can she make friends with students in her new class? And what's the secret behind the bond between her and her uncle...?!
Mu Qian Ran, a sixteen year old girl, who had always set her heart onto studying the art of Chinese medicine, is excited as she has been accepted into her first choice of college, Yan Huang Advance technical school! At the same time, due to a mysterious portrait of a girl that no one could tell when was it drawn, Qian Ran is able to see illusions of fire. She ignores the incident, but this would start the unraveling of a great secret.
A scandalous yankee, Kurokawa Morio meets an incompletely visually impaired young lady, Akaza Yukiko.
About a man named Kenji and his younger sister Yasuko, whose parents died in an accident 10 years earlier. Kenji was once the leader of a gang, but in order to support him and his sister, he began making a living as a shojo mangaka. His character normally wears glasses and appears to be a gentle guy, but he throws off his glasses and reverts to his violent side whenever he tries to protect Yasuko from danger.
From Aerandria Scans During the winter break of her first year in high school, Haruno Konegi’s childhood friend, Takiji, comes home to their village after pursuing his studies in Tokyo. Konegi, lonely from her mother being in the hospital, and Takiji, who is living away from his family, start spending time again together, just like in the old days. Just like friends, just like lovers, a wonderful diary of youth.
From Shinnen: Recently, An's boyfriend, Kurosawa, has been acting strangely. Did he just cancel their date for Sunday? It turns out that he's helping his best friend, Kouta, who is in love with this other girl. But does he have to do this in spite of An's feelings!?
In the late spring her granddad passed away, secondary school young lady Kiyoi wound up deserted. To ensure her home, she chooses to wed that man… !!
Seishun Scans: Shinra has a mother who rarely comes home. Everyday, she pinches her pennies just to survive. Rai, a popular guy from her school keeps bothering her, and she’s getting sexually harassed by the manager at her part-time job. After finally coming home after 2 months, Shinra’s mom promises to stay with her. Rai unexpectedly shows up at Shinra’s part-time job and sees her being sexually harassed. He urges her to quit, but she refuses. Shinra comes home only to find out that her mother has disappeared once again.Shinra Kobayashi is a poor girl with no parents or friends to rely on. She has given up on high school life, believing that love and youth to be unaffordable luxuries, but her life begins to change when three boys appear on the scene.
From Animenewsnetwork: The titular character, Yomogi, is a high school freshman who sees her friends falling in love, but she prefers money over boys.