Genre - Shoujo
Manga based off the popular otome game of the same name, tells the story of 17 years old Katagiri Kaede that is determined to be a ninja studying in the famous Fujiwara Ninja Training Academy. One Day, Kaede accidentally cast a genjutsu (illusion jutsu) called Mero-mero Jutsu which causes any guy within a range to falls head over heels in love with her! Now, she has to pick one of the guys she charmed to train together so she can pass her ninja exam. Trouble is, the guys she charmed are all popular guys in the academy! What will happened to our heroine from now on...?
Shinomiya-kun's aloofness attracted Yukino's attention and because of that, she started to see a new side of him. And now, even though he loves school, Shinomiya-kun has to quit school due to home circumstances. To be able to continue seeing him, what would Yukino do?
Based on novel by Kaminaga Manabu. Shinrei Tantei Yakumo, aka psychic detective yakumo, tells a story about a college student, Saitou Yakumo who is born with different eye colors. His red left eye gives him a special ability to see ghosts and spirits. He believes ghosts and spirits are bound to earth because of a certain cause and simply eliminating that cause will those spirits rest in peace. Being asked for help by Ozawa Haruka, they begin the investigation together.
Fateful Encounters: Based on novel by Kaminaga Manabu. Shinrei tantei yakumo aka psychic detective yakumo tells a story about a college student, Saitou Yakumo who born with different eye colors. His red left eye gave him a special ability to see ghosts and spirits. He believes ghosts and spirits are bound to earth because of a certain cause and simply by eliminating that cause will those spirits rest in peace. Being asked for help by Ozawa Haruka, together they began the investigation.
In return for a business loan of 50 million yen, the prestigious Kamiya family gave their daughter Haine away to the Otomiya family. Haine, now an Otomiya, is appointed to the student council of the exclusive Imperial Academy, a private school for the aristocracy. Even though Haine is of proper lineage to be on the council, she finds herself struggling to find her place among the many secrets of its elite members, especially those of the president who holds her heart--Shizumasa Togu, aka "the Emperor."
Akari is an unfashionable first-year high school student who just moved from the countryside to the big city. While taking pictures of "Nana-chan," a huge mannequin at the mall, Akari accidentally bumps into into a handsome boy who compliments her on her eyes. Little does she know that the boy who has taken a fascination with her is actually Kanda, an extremely fashionable model and the heartthrob at her new school! What happens when he decides to make Akari stylish enough to land on the front cover of a magazine?
From Chibi Manga: She was her best friend and he was her first love...she didn't plan to change that. Ayu and Kaho were friends since kindergarten. They were the exact opposite; and even if both them were cute, they hated men. But one day, Kaho found someone she loved. "why? I was the one in your heart before..." "Let's play at football" said a boy that Ayu never saw before. But, she felt her heart beating so fast and hurting so hard. It was the beginning of her first love...
From Comic Sylph's Official Homepage: Out of the blue, protagonist Snow White finds herself transported to a strange world. Here, many unusual creatures roam, and all the signs and words are backwards. To leave this world, Snow White must fulfill one condition: “Make Alice the King.” For the sake of returning back to her own world, Snow White must team up with Alice but… A strange yet wondrous fairytale-like fantasy awaits you.
Mashiro was always alone, whether at high school, cram school, and home. Until one day, Mashiro met a youngster with a strange atmosphere. Holding the thought of “I want to change”, she took a big first step forward--even though her legs are small--seeking the path of Eden. A Pure Love Story
Super commoner Ayame just entered Shirohara Academy, an elite school. Suddenly, she's pushed around by the super sadistic student council president...!?
From Chinatown KM: Miyashita Megumi, also known as "Gumi", was one of the only survivors in a plane crash thirteen years ago. Since then, she has been able to see two copies of every person and one of them always has a "C" on them. Thirteen years later, she now wears glasses, yet her left eye remains a puzzle. And then, her friend goes "missing".
Yuuta and Yui had their body swapped when Yuuta fell down from a tree. How will they co-operate with dealing this as they grow up?
From Evil Flowers: En Asakura is having the same dream lately. She dreams of a boy asking her to kiss him. Her dream is connected to a painful memory from her high-school life when she felt in love with a boy named Maru. When he asked her to kiss him she refused and now she’s regretting that act. Not to mention that the boy started to date another girl after that incident. En is now in university and is trying to find her life partner through “blind group dates” named goukon. What will she do when a boy with the same name as her past crush asks for her number? Will she refuse and regret it again?
After the death of her parents, Himura Ryou is taken in by grandparents and starts to attend the super elite high school, Souseikan Gakuen. Ryou gets lost within the school's spacious area and it leads her to a guy wearing tuxedo. He is Kanzawa Hakuou who attends the butler training course [B (Butler) Class] knowing that Ryou is...?!
From Midnight Scans: Eri is a normal high school student, who feels satisfied with her life, if there are Red Tea and sweets around. However, fate plays a trick on her, and she is assigned to learn the art of making tea from Secret Garden’s #1 butler, Ijuuin!! Mr. Butler’s lesson is exciting and strict, and, sometimes… pleasantly perverted?! In the Shitsujisama to Himegoto series: 1) Shitsujisama to Himegoto 2) Black Label