I'm Really Not the Demon God's Lackey

万劫火, 刺猬猫阅读, 我梦动漫Artist
万劫火, 刺猬猫阅读, 我梦动漫Reading Direction:
Left to RightSynopsis:
Lin Jie, a transmigrator, is the proprietor of a book shop in a different universe. He's caring and thoughtful, regularly prescribing recuperating books to clients who are going through a difficult stretch. Occasionally, he furtively advances his own work as well. After some time, these clients start to regard him incredibly, some even every now and again carrying nearby strengths to reimburse his approval. They regularly look for his expert assessment with regards to choosing books, and offer their encounters with this conventional book shop proprietor to individuals around them. They deferentially and personally allude to him utilizing names, for example, the "Devil God's Lackey", "Propagator of the Flesh and Blood Gospel", "Body Devouring Sect's Rites and Customs' Author" and "Shepherd of the Stars".