Leona Explosion

KOTOYOSHI Yumisuke, Yumisuke KotoyoshiArtist
Yumisuke KotoyoshiReading Direction:
Right to LeftSynopsis:
This is Dakichi Kamiyama. A College Student at Toudai University. He had returned to the place where he grew up to go to such a prestigious University. He stumbled over a bistro where once stood an extraordinary wrestling field lead by the "Amazoness kitty." Now three girls stay running it. Yukihyou (Who has taken a sudden enthusiasm for him.) Ferris (A fairly ditzy young lady.) And Leona (A Tsundere-ish enormous boobed young lady with a somewhat "Exceptional" Ability in the wrestling ring.) Join Daikichi "sandbag" Kamiyama as he perseveres through the trails in front of him with these Bombshells.