Dosanko Gyaru ha Namaramenkoi

Ikada KaiArtist
Ikada KaiReading Direction:
Right to LeftSynopsis:
Natsukawa Tsubasa has quite recently moved from Tokyo to Hokkaido, in winter. Not exactly acknowledging how far towns are in the nation, he gets off the taxi at the following town over from his objective, so he can see the sights around his home. Yet, he is stunned when he learns the "following town" is 3 hours leave. Be that as it may, he additionally meets an adorable Dosanko (brought up in Hokkaido) gyaru named Fuyuki Minami who is conquering 8 degrees celcius under 0 climate in the standard gyaru outfit of short skirts and exposed legs!
Dosanko Gyaru ha Namaramenkoi Chapter Lists
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