Deatte Hitotsuki de Zecchou Jorei!

AKAGI HirotakaArtist
Yuzuki NReading Direction:
Right to LeftSynopsis:
Climaxing Exorcism is an indecent and obscene ability that does nothing but make an opponent purify and ascend by causing them to reach orgasm. In this world, where monsters and evil spirits are common and exorcists are in demand, promising students attend the renowned Taima Academy. Enter Haruhisa Furuya, a client of the reviled peaking expulsion and Misaki Souya, a young lady with a hostile stare equipped for uncovering individuals' mysteries. This is the narrative of how the people who were known as the most obviously awful, absolute lowest grade exorcists become the most grounded ones ever.
Deatte Hitotsuki de Zecchou Jorei! Chapter Lists
Chapter Name