Genre - Comedy

  • Continue after Little Busters! The 4-koma. Dengeki G's Magazine announce the next sequel: Little Busters! EX The 4-koma. Still feature the original character from Little Busters! and a new character from Little Busters! Ecstasy: Tokido Saya

    Little Busters! EX the 4-Koma
  • Hiroki Ichinose was having another regular day in high school. Then suddenly from a blinding light near his house, a girl claiming she came from the future appears. Her purpose turns out to be is to cure her ailing mother in the future through genetic manipulation but since changing the future is forbidden she is being pursued by future's timecops. Added to that, the girl turns out be his daughter!

    Little Jumper
  • A romantic comedy about Fuwa, a guy living in a small apartment in overcrowded Tokyo, who wants to have a place of his own. Because of a building accident in their new office building, Fuwa's company (5 employees) had to move into his apartment, right after he had moved to a larger place. And the new employee (Hiyama Izumi, a 15 year-old girl) had to move into Fuwa's place, as she had just come from the country. Then Fuwa's old girlfriend Tokiko, who had already gotten married, ran away from her husband and came to Fuwa's place.

    Living Game
  • Utsuru Sanada is a professional photographer at the age of 17, he can guess the exact 3 sizes of any girl, he can memorize anything he sees, and he can counterattack karate moves (most guys would want these abilities). Why? Because he has superb photographic memory called “Shutter Eye” (as in the shutter of a camera). He meets Niko Kurihara, the female protagonist, who dislikes men, is a master of martial arts, and is of course beautiful. Utsuru attempts to prove to Niko that he is not the guy she thinks he is so that he can take a picture of her. He starts by investigating Niko’s friend’s date, who appears to be a deceptive guy according to rumors… Ran as a one-shot in 2009; started serialization in 2010.

    Lock On!
  • After 30.000 Japanese players are trapped within MMORPG "Elder Tale" in an incident dubbed "The Apocalypse", Soujirou Seta, an ex-member of "Debauchery Tea Party" reunites his guild: The West Wind Brigade, comprised mostly of pretty girls. Watch their misadventures as they work together adjusting their lives inside the game.

    Log Horizon - Nishikaze no Ryodan
  • (From Lolitannia) Dojigiri city is a city surrounded by mountains, and the population is only 9000 people... But this city has one thing that different than other cities... ALL WOMEN FROM THIS CITY ARE LOLIS!!

    Lolicon Saga
  • Hyun-Su Jung (29) was misled by Jung-Mi Kim and is presently paying off debtors of 900,000$. He is being pursued by credit sharks and wound up capturing Jung-Mi Kim's little girl, Ha-Yeon Lee (17). In any case, when Hyun-Su Jung calls to request buy-off, Jung-Mi Kim lets him know she couldn't care less about what transpires little girl and hangs up. What will happen to the ruffian and his casualty?

    Looking for a Father
  • From Day of the River: Nakajima Hiromi was born into an ordinary family and raised under ordinary circumstances. Working at a medium-sized company, she hopes that one day she'll be able to attain some sort of happiness. With the fear of being isolated, Hiromi isn't sure how to interact with her introverted coworker, Katsuma Yukihiro. But in order to help things along, somehow Hiromi has entered his home... and will be living with him?!

    Lost Girl wa Koi o Suru
  • Tanlou is one of the roaming Blair tribe: a stubborn lot who keep to themselves and frown upon interaction with "outsiders". He, along with six of his friends find a young princess from a nearby castle, wandering in the forest. She begs them to help her, but their help comes with a price. Tanlou is cursed by the head of his clan, and the seven men are banished. Still, they feel compelled to help her. The princess' name? Snow White. After a vicious battle to regain Snow White's kingdom that leaves the princess gravely injured, the evil queen unleashes her wrath, and the unthinkable comes to pass when two of the seven mysteriously disappear, leaving behind five bereft buddies who have no idea what has become of their comrades. And thus begins the plight of Tanlou and his friends..

    Lost Seven
  • Kane Blueriver and Canal, his AI companion, are trouble contractors who take jobs which require their special skills. This could go from armed escort, to patrol, to capturing dangerous criminals. Milly is a private eye who has to be the best at everything (uchuu ichi!!). When the three of them get together, they run into one mess after another, gradually uncovering more of a mystery that ties the legendary Lost Ships to all of their pasts, bringing them closer and closer to a discovery that something called Nightmare would rather not have them find...

    Lost Universe
  • Having been torn from the earth in ancient times, Planet Mamango is now re-approaching the earth after a lapse of 5 million years. One night, a private detective named Ban Shunsaku encounters a murder, and meets boy researcher Shikishima Kenichi, who holds the key to solving the case. Shikishima discovers that a stone from the Planet Mamango generates huge amounts of energy. Making a rocket out of the energy stone, Shikishima sets up an exploration team and departs for Planet Mamango. The rocket heads straight for Planet Mamango under the command of Shikishima, along with Captain Butamo Makeru, Ayame and Momiji, who are cabbages created by the captain, a rabbit named Mii, and Ban Shunsaku. In due time, the rocket lands on the Planet Mamango, where the group finds a “The Lost World,” an ancient environment where dinosaurs walk about and ferns and cycads cover the ground.

    Lost World