Genre - Adventure
From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game Tales of Destiny: Directors Cut, which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...
From Namco Bandai Games Taking place on the planet Efinea, Tales of Graces f centers on Asbel Lhant as he seeks the strength to protect those he holds dear. Along with his childhood friends and the mysterious and innocent Sophie, he must explore the bonds of friendship as they find themselves drawn into the conflict between three kingdoms competing for dominance of the planet.
Fonons. Essential components of all matter on planet Auldrant. Ages ago, a new type of fonon was discovered—the Seventh Fonon. Its discovery threw humanity into chaos, for if one could use the Seventh Fonon, one could learn the future. Wars over the Seventh Fonon raged across the lands, ending only when the miasma—a poison from within the planet—covered the entire world. This is when Yulia appeared. A fonist skilled in prophecy, Yulia saw thousands of years into the future and foresaw a way to seal away the miasma. With the guidance of her prophecies, humanity sealed the miasma deep within the planet. Over two thousand years passed. The world is ruled by Yulia s prophecy, known as the Score. People believe in the coming “unprecedented prosperity” promised in the Score, never straying from the path set forth in the Score which will lead them to that prosperity. They look to the Score as revealed by the Order of Lorelei, the religion Yulia founded, and hold that the greatest virtue is to follow the Score faithfully. Yulia s Score tells of a young man who is necessary in order to bring “unprecedented prosperity.” His name is Luke fon Fabre. An heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, he was kidnapped as a child by the kingdom s enemy, the Malkuth Empire. Since his return he has been confined to his family s manor for his own safety. He has no idea of the evil that now draws close.
"Aer" is a primeval power source of the universe. "Terca Lumireis" is a world sustained by "blastia", which is driven by aer. The people of Terca Lumireis enjoy their lives, living in cities shielded by barriers that keep them safe from the monsters of their world. The Empire once reigned over the people as a bedrock of peace. Blastia, the legacy of an ancient civilization, was under the strict control of the Empire and only certain people became privileged to their use. The poor of the world soon formed organizations in search of freedom-the guilds-and strived to live outside the Empire's rule. Eventually, through conflict and compromise, a new society formed with a complicated relationship between the Empire and the guilds. Even after the Great War ten years ago and disputed rights of succession after the demise of the Emperor, this world seemed peaceful... AND NOW... Yuri was raised in the lower quarter of Zaphias. He joined the Imperial Knights with Flynn-Yuri's childhood best friend-but quit because he was disappointed by the Imperial Knights' corruption. Now he lives the way he wants, solving people's troubles in the lower quarter. One day, Yuri encounters a mysterious girl named Estelle. Upon discovering that she wants to meet Flynn, Yuri decides to accompany her. Yuri doesn't know it yet but this strange encounter will soon tangle many people's fates.
Manga based of the Tales of Xillia Game for the PS3. The story concentrates on Milla Maxwell, a young lady who gloats the title of "expert of spirits." Faced with an adjustment in which a lot of spirits are vanishing, she abandons her place of worship in Ni Akeria to discover the root of the anomaly. Before a lab in Il Fahn, the city of night, she has a meeting with medicinal understudy Jude Mathis which changes both of their destinies and the destiny of the world for time everlasting.
The most popular VR game on the planet, Kailan. A confirmed game someone who is addicted knew in the virtual world, Ian. In spite of having a Level 93 Archer person in the top leaderboards of Kaillan, Ian chooses to erase it regardless of everybody around him advising him not to. All to change over to a secret class he got by some coincidence. The class he picked is the most useless class in Kaillan, the Summoner class. In the event that he needs to try not to get a F in school, he needs to step up to his past level inside two months... Kailan is infamous for its exceptionally unfeeling evening out framework, where it is said to assume control longer than a year to arrive at level 100. His battles to arrive at level 93 in just two months unfurl... Level rapidly, altogether, and diligently. The legend of the Restraining Master starts!
Iwatani Naofumi is summoned to another world to become one of the four heroes, namely the Shield Hero. Starting out with poor popularity and labeled as the weakest, Naofumi found himself betrayed on the third day of his adventure. Having lost faith and money, all that's left is just his shield. Vowing to exact revenge to those who had betrayed him, Naofumi's path is......
Naofumi was sent to a different universe, blamed for assault, and sold out by his individual mates. Disregarded destitute and, he had to buy a slave so as to have a battling chance in this world. Anyway, here's a lot of anecdotes about them eating flavorful food.
A boy named Lagu/Ragu, whose goal is to become a tegamibachi- a letter bee, or someone whose purpose is to deliver important mail.When he was quite young, he was befriended by one of the tegamibachi and he was so down upon his luck and so grateful for the attention and help that he wanted to do the same when he got older.
Welcome to the Barony of Babalon, where barbarians battle and blasphemous believers babble. After the death of the Babalons, the Baron and Baroness of the Barony, young Rize Babalon inherits both the title of Baron of Babalon and the barren Barony of Babalon. But as soon as he rises to the rank and files paperwork to take over, the rank-and-file citizens of the barony rise up and try to take over instead. But to save himself, Baron Rize does what he does best! He sucks up to the citizens! Magic is the divine might that makes divine right for the nobility and aristocracy to rule. But our young baron decides to use that power for the citizens and bribe his way into a comfortable life. Or so he thought! His approval ratings suddenly skyrocket, and before he knows it, his people hail him as a savior! His magic may be revolutionary, but he didn't want a revolution! He just wanted to relax on the seaside, not commit regicide! He started empty-headed and empty-handed, but now things are getting out of hand! And thus begins the Bottom-Tier Baron's Accidental Rise to the Top!
Faust was brought up by his mother as a rare male knight after being reincarnated into a different universe where women rule and men's morals and chastity are inverted. He quickly becomes a war hero and achieves a lot, but because he carried over his mentality from his former world, he experiences daily pain in his groin when confronted with things like a Queen who is so poorly dressed that she could as well be naked or the sexual harassment of the wealthy Duchess he calls a friend, among other things.
Continuation of Shin Tekken Chinmi: Continues Chinmis story in a new arc, where he along with one of his students are involved in an incident where a princess (different from the one in the first saga of New Ironfist Chinmi) was kidnapped by bandits.
Manga based on the Tenchi Souzou (Terranigma) game published by Enix in 1995 for the Super Nintendo video game system. It portraits the story of Ark, a young golden haired boy, that lives in the secluded village of Crysta, in the Underworld. Ark is the local troublemaker and lives at the Elders place. One day, while the Elder is out, some guys ask Ark to open a blue door, which had always remain locked. Ark manages to break the door open and inside, he is lead to a box. By opening the box, Ark unlocks both a freezing curse to the villagers of Crysta, but also the power to overcome the curse and utterly change the world. Now, the ever isolated city of Crysta has a gate, and Ark must venture through several ordeals to restore life to the village, and on the way, he will uncover many secrets and find an even greater purpose that would lead him far beyond the reality he knew.
Oda Nobunaga and his sister are taken to a mysterious new world where the greatest warriors from history will meet to fight after receiving an enigmatic invitation to "come play in Heaven." In order to determine who will be crowned the greatest of all time, the pair will meet legendary figures like Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Zhuge Liang, and many others here!