Genre - Adventure
Ouka is the great empire that rules over 1/3 of the world. To prevent conflicts from the other countries, they hold the battle competition once in every 8 years. In this competition, 5 candidates, known as "Patriots", from each countries are to battle against each other and the winners will be granted with fame and honor. This story follows Kurou, the boy who walks the same footsteps as his father to become the strongest patriot, along with his team...
Becoming a ninja is just a childhood dream for sixteen-year-old Recca, until a fateful encounter reveals he has inherited ninja powers, including the ability to wield fire! As Recca learns to master the ancient ways of his ancestors, he is drawn to protect a mysterious girl named Yanagi...
In this world, every child is born under a god. Every child can have their god grant them a wish. For the children that haven't made wishes, the gods will disguise themselves as animals and follow the children around. Once in a while comes a human that hasn't made their wish yet. Of all the gods, the cat god is the most boring. It can't grant useful wishes and is frankly annoying. Leerang, who hasn't made a wish yet, has to deal with his cat god as he goes about his everyday life as a delivery boy. Original Webtoon
A reinterpretation of the classic German legend, "Faust", by Yamazaki Kore. The story follows Johanna, a scholar travelling town to town in search of something dear to her. One day, she meets a boy named Marion after he runs into her in his attempt to flee from a man he was trying to steal from. Marion reveals that his family has recently run into financial troubles and that he simply wanted his books back. Upon hearing this, Johanna offers to be his teacher for a few days in return for his help in her search...
Takahiro got transported into the VR game he was playing 3 years ago and got the same skills he was playing with. Takahiro is a "Punisher", he can even kill Gods so basically a hero, but he decided to not do anything particular, he just wants to laze around all day instead. He works as a Jack-of-all-Trades, meaning he does every kind of work people asks him, like walking the dog or helping out in a shop. His elf maid Yumiel is the only one who can force him to even get up in the morning and do some work. Though when it comes to helping people who are in truble he doesn't hesitate to do so.
Hero and Mii are two newlywed 6 year olds. And that's only the beginning!
Adapted from the Front Mission games. Huffman Island is a land split by an uneasy cease-fire between two major world powers, the USN (United States of the New Continent) and the OCU (Oceania Cooperative Union). The cease-fire has held for 20 years, but now tensions are mounting, and it looks like open war will break out again soon. Matsuda Akira has gone to join the on-site reporting team for NNTV. Are he and his colleagues really ready for the horrors they may face if they're caught in the middle of a war?
The hero's party handyman Theodore has lost his job as a result of the world's peace returning after the Demon King has been defeated. With all the cash he might at any point require currently concealed, he considers resigning. Be that as it may, he's rather abruptly approached to examine the New World! On the way to his new objective, he goes over and restrains a marginally strange adolescent mythical serpent. Thus begins Theodore's life on the frontier! In his lackluster cultivation efforts, surrounded by an oddly adorable crew, all he needs are his busted three skills—Appraise, Craft, and Tame!
An accumulation of stories that occur before the stories in the primary Full Ahead! Coco arrangement.
Taking place eight years after the fall of Leitzweiss, this direct continuation of Full Ahead! Coco focuses on the continuing adventures of the Twin Sword Pirates. A crew made up of Coco, Chako, Rau, and more, they search for treasures abound upon the open seas. One such treasure would be the Pillar of Reality, which Coco vows to find so he can use it to discover the rumored whereabouts of an actual, living angel.
"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth."
From E.N.D scans: A world where humans, beasts, demons, gods, dragons and pixies fight for supremacy; A war where great beast warriors of the Baemon troop, the dragon knights that soar in the sky, and the demon race that befell into the angel troops battle. A mixed blood child, who bears the blood of a human, demon and beast, went through hardships that no other people had, and has unmatched wild war potential. He is destined to restructure the chess pieces of this world, and also fated to have an exceptional heart-wrenching love life.