Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou.

MORISHITA MiyuReading Direction:
Right to LeftSynopsis:
Today, we live during a time of variety. The expression "non-people" is a relic of times gone by. "Genjin" carry on with their lives associating with individuals. One human kid, Yutaka Shinsou, is pained. He is so used to being in line with his environmental elements that he no longer grasps his own sentiments. At Keiki Secondary School, where many "Genjin" join in, he meets Tsumiki Ogami, a werewolf. She is charming, strong, somewhat strange, and kind... At the point when he invests energy with her, Yutaka's heart is some way or another noisier than expected. Turning an "uncommon" daily existence with Tsumiki the werewolf. The new typical chart of youth is going to start.